Stuff Digital Edition

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Creative options for fresh vege

Ah springtime, that time of year when growth is all around but produce is lean. Acatchup time from the slower growth of winter combined with lower soil temperatures means less produce to harvest – and reflected in the higher cost of produce.

I find myself shopping by price and freshness, this week yielding two enormous leeks and some vibrant beetroot, among other things. With an abundant supply of silverbeet, salad greens and parsley from the garden this selection will be prepared in different ways for meals throughout the week.

This is how I approach cooking with the seasons, focusing on getting creative with what is on hand. If you have a garden of your own you will know this well. Excess can be given away, preserved or frozen, while I find a multitude of ways to serve the same item so we don’t tire of it. Which might just inspire a previously disliked food to be enjoyed when it is presented in a different way.

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