Stuff Digital Edition

Traffic light system a path to progress or divided society?

Explores how it could create a country of haves and have nots.

Katie Kenny

The new traffic light system revealed by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Friday will see freedoms restored to fully vaccinated New Zealanders. And those who haven’t received two shots of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine will be largely excluded from eating at restaurants, attending concerts and festivals, and even getting a haircut.

In other words, those who remain unvaccinated will experience a limited version of daily life in society.

This is only fair to those who have made the choice to get vaccinated to protect themselves and others, Ardern said – and the system seeks to offer double-jabbed people ‘‘protection from those who haven’t made that choice’’.

In order to leave the old alertlevel system behind and move to the traffic light one – where even at the red setting businesses will be able to stay open – ideally district health boards will have vaccinated 90 per cent of their eligible population.

Vaccine certificates sit at the centre of all this. Even at the green setting, if certificates aren’t used, there will be limits of 100 people, with physical distancing, in hospitality venues, gatherings, events and gyms.

‘‘If you want summer, if you want to go to bars and restaurants, get vaccinated,’’ Ardern said. ‘‘If you want to get a haircut, get vaccinated. If you want to go to a concert or a festival, get vaccinated. If you want to go to a gym or sports event, get vaccinated. If you’re not vaccinated, there will be everyday things you miss out on.’’

Businesses that choose not to use certificates will either be closed or have public health measures in place.

Groups against vaccination have described Aotearoa’s way forward as a system of segregation. They echo international anti-vaccination groups who claim they’re suffering a ‘‘medical apartheid’’ – an offensive and inappropriate comparison to enforced racial segregation.

But there are valid concerns that groups who have been left behind during the vaccine rollout will become further marginalised. Rhys Jones, a public health physician and a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, says the new system could see Ma¯ ori communities in particular experience further discrimination.

‘‘Access to education, employment, and a range of social and leisure activities may be restricted for those who are not vaccinated, which is likely to disproportionately affect those who are already among the most marginalised in society.’’

Jones, along with other health experts, previously highlighted the stark inequality of the country’s vaccine rollout. He now worries Ma¯ori communities could end up being scapegoats for delays in achieving vaccination targets, adding fuel to racist narratives.

‘‘There is a real risk that this inequity could now be weaponised against Ma ori communities, with the Government seeking to avoid accountability and shift the blame to Ma¯ ori for poor vaccination uptake.’’

We know Ma¯ ori and Pasifika are at greater risk of catching the virus, and of getting seriously sick or dying once infected. Jones says the Government must take responsibility for an inequitable vaccine roll-out and do everything possible to remedy it.

‘‘They must be true to their word about leaving no-one behind.’’

John McMillan, professor at Otago University’s Bioethics Centre and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Medical Ethics, agrees that before moving to the new system, everyone has to have had the opportunity to get vaccinated.

‘‘One of the challenges is we really need to do the groundwork on equity and equality of opportunity.’’

While he understands people are exercised about the idea of restrictions based on vaccination status, it pays to keep in mind our lives are already highly structured by the country we live in and its legal system.

‘‘There are a bunch of ways we do things and don’t do things because there’s a system in place that’s fundamentally coercive. And we’re not troubled by that, in fact, we’re grateful there’s structure around these things.’’

The next time you get in a car, he says, think about why you drive on the left-hand side of the road, and why you’re grateful the person coming towards you does the same.

‘‘If someone chose to ignore the rules and drive on the wrong side of the road, they would be punished in some way. We don’t see that as problematic.’’

While he understands the role of informed consent in medical treatment and immunisation, he hopes people can view vaccination as something they do to help protect the safety of others.

‘‘There are things we already do, as healthcare professionals, as university professors, as anyone in a professional role, to protect the safety of the people we’re trying to help. And this is about doing the things that we need to do in order to do our jobs well and look after the people we’re serving.’’

Overseas, doctors have spoken out in anger at having to treat wilfully unvaccinated Covid-19 patients, who put hospital staff and other patients at risk. In the United States, nearly all Covid-19 deaths are now among Americans who aren’t fully vaccinated.

People who were initially reluctant but later decided to get jabbed, were motivated by rising case numbers and seeing hospitals filling up with patients, international surveys have shown. Other big motivators included wanting to participate in activities that required vaccination, and social pressure from family and friends.

Clinical psychologist Dr Sarb Johal says it’s important to continue to address the concerns of people in our social circles who are unsure about getting vaccinated.

Stories from people who were initially hesitant but ended up getting the shot are particularly powerful, according to Johal.

‘‘It’s OK to change your mind. You can do that without losing face. And it’s important people are afforded every opportunity to change their minds.’’

Based on what’s happened in other countries, Johal says we can expect more people to roll up their sleeves when they realise the limits that will otherwise be placed on their daily activities.

‘‘We’ve got a few weeks to really focus on getting as many people protected as possible. That’s going to be critical.’’

‘‘We’ve got a few weeks to really focus on getting as many people protected as possible.’’ Dr Sarb Johal Clinical psychologist





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