Stuff Digital Edition



1. Young woman (Scottish) (6)

4. Filled with wonder (9)

9. Acidic (4)

11. Face (inf) (3)

12. Mischievous child (3)

13. Tall palm tree (4)

15. Preface (abbr) (5)

16. Public transport (3)

17. Egg-shaped (4)

19. Fever (4)

21. Fill to satisfaction (4)

23. Decay (3)

24. Tranquil (6)

26. Summit (4)

27. Small drink of spirits (3)

28. Consumed (3)

30. Against (4)

31. !

32. Metal worker (5)

34. Allow entry (5)

35. Medieval stringed instrument (4)

36. Tactic (4)

38. Plunge (4)

39. Expression of pain (4)

40. Fertilised egg (6)

44. Pale (3)

45. Fairness (6)

46. Wide valley (4)

48. Festive event (4)

50. Frozen column (6)

51. Raincoat (3)

53. Soak (6)

57. Tear down (4)

58. Greenish blue (4)

59. Duo (4)

61. Stupefy (4)

63. Sentinel (5)

65. Commotion, uproar (3-2)

67. Gold measurement (5)

68. Trim (4)

69. For each (3)

70. Through (3)

71. Request for help (4)

72. In the natural place (2,4)

75. Sailor (3)

76. Light (4)

79. Therefore (4)

81. Haul (4)

82. Meadow (3)

83. African animal (abbr) (5)

84. Allocated space (4)

85. Self-esteem (3)

86. Strike sharply (3)

87. Act (4)

88. Handling (9)

89. Layered (6) Down

1. Tearful (10)

2. Hard work (4)

3. Master of ceremonies

(abbr) (5)

4. Lithe (5)

5. Plead (7)

6. Cast (6)

7. Criticise (7)

8. Smooch (4) 9. Catch sight of (4)

10. Short and plump (4-4)

14. Underground burial area (8)

18. Forgivable (6)

20. By and large (7)

22. Female relative (4)

25. Corrosion (4)

29. Lobbed (5)

30. Ditz (7)

33. Military decoration (5)

34. In the midst of (5)

36. Hesitate (5)

37. Relating to vision (5)

41. Islam’s holiest city (5)

42. Happen again (5)

43. Belated (7)

47. Correct (5)

49. Embarrass (5)

52. Hoard (5)

54. Bitterness (7)

55. Story teller (8)

56. Back country (10)

59. So long as (8)

60. Antelope (6)

62. Move a plane along a runway (4)

63. Depressing (4)

64. Set free (7)

66. Opening (7)

69. Repeat mechanically (6)

73. Breath of contempt (5)

74. Entice (5)

77. Elderly (4)

78. Secret plan (4)

80. Stare (4)

46. 9 7@>3,- * 9:?/ =*3>/. * >/73?:9/ *+:A/ 9*?@=*6 ;3?,2

48. 6/=1E7*9 *??*,2/. ?: *9 institution or organisation (8)

49. /=3:. :0 >3D ./63A/=3/> 39 * ,=3,5/? 7*?,2 "

50. .B*=. ))-

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

52. /9=E ))- /312?2 =/73/= :0 !:@?2 @>?=*63*- B2:>/ 9*7/ B*> given to a landmark in another state


53. :63,/ 39>;/,?:= B2: *;;/*=> 39 >/A/=*6 !2/=6:,5 :67/> >?:=3/> "

55. !B//?/9/. ;*>?=E 66/. B3?2 .=3/. 0=@3?- 9*7/. *0?/= * ?:B9 9/*=

*9,2/>?/= - "

56. /.3,*6 ,:9.3?3:9 ,:9>3>?391 :0 ,:9>?*9? =391391 := :?2/= 9:3>/ 39 ?2/ ears (8)

Down 1.

1E;?H> >/,:9.86*=1/>? ,3?E0:@9./. 39 "

2. An elaborate poem usually addressed to someone or something


3. *=1/- >?=:918,6*B/. 7*=39/ ,=@>?*,/*9 B3?2 A/ >/?> :0 6/1> "

4. #2/ *=3*9* )))- .//;/>? :,/*93, ;:39? :9 *=?2 *? *67:>? 57 +/6:B ?2/ >@=0*,/ "

5. !:0?- 7:3>? ;*=? :0 0=@3? "

6. /?3=/. ?*65 >2:B 2:>?- +:=9 3>>3>>3;;3 39 "

7. 30?2 6/??/= :0 =//5 *6;2*+/? "

8. =/9,2 6@D@=E ,6:?2391 *9. 1::.> +=*9.- />?*+63>2/. 39 *=3> 39


9. 6/0?82*9./. +:D/= "

11. Rolled appetiser or dim sum, ,:77:96E 0:@9. 39 >3*9 ,@3>39/

- "

18. :.E :0 B*?/= +/?B//9

*9. #@=5/E - "

19. 39/ ?E;/ :0 ;:??/=E- B23,2 ,*9 +/ ?=*9>;*=/9? := >/738?=*9>;*=/9?- =>? 7*./ 39 239* "

22. #2/ ?23=. ;=39,3;*6 ;/=3:. :0 23>?:=E- :,,@==391 *0?/= ?2/ =:9F/

1/ - "

23. Australian Prime Minister .@++/. G#2/ 3F*=. :0 FH +E 9/B>;*;/=> 39 ?2/ > "

25. Younger daughter of the Duke *9. @,2/>> :0 ':=5 "

26. )) )) *9. =39,3;/- 3>6*9. 9*?3:9 39 ?2/ @60 :0 @39/* - "

29. $! >391/=C>:91B=3?/= B2: 2*. 23?> B3?2 Oh! Carol and Breaking Up Is Hard To Do - "

34. =3?3>2 #% >/=3/>- =>? +=:*.,*>? 39 - B2:>/ >/??391> 39,6@./ =3.1/ !?=//?- #@=;39 :*. *9. /:=1/ !?=//? "

36. =:?/><@/ ,*=A391 :9 * +@36.391usually serving as a rainspout (8)

39. Rock Me __- >:91 +E @>?=3*9 7@>3,3*9 *6,: "

41. 9 :0 ,/= 39 ?2/ *=7/. 0:=,/> =/>;:9>3+6/ 0:= ,::;/=*?3:9 +/?B//9 @93?> "

43. :@9?=E B23,2 B*> 39A*./. :9/ .*E *0?/= 3?> ,=/*?3:9 39 "

45. &36.,*? :0 !:@?2 *9. /9?=*6 7/=3,*- /63> ;*=.*63>- B3?2 >;:??/. 0@= "

47. 3128=*95391 ;=:A39,3*6 1:A/=9:= := 7363?*=E ,:77*9./= 39 ?2/ ??:7*9

7;3=/ "

51. !:0? ,=/*7E B23?/ =/9,2 ,2//>/ "

54. 391- 39 =/9,2 "





Stuff Limited