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Alleged fake Covid texter turned away from court

A man who allegedly altered a text message to say he had returned a positive Covid-19 test result, before sending it to several others, has had his appearance in court curtailed. Devon Graham Stock, 27, was to appear in the Hamilton District Court yesterday. Stock, who court documents state is a butcher living in Cambridge, is charged with altering a document – a text message from the Ministry of Health – with intent to cause loss. The charge alleges the offending happened in O¯ torohanga on Wednesday. Stuff understands Stock arrived at court yesterday morning but was turned away by security staff after telling them he had recently been in the Auckland area. A new appearance date has yet to be scheduled. Police have alleged Stock edited an official text message informing him he had returned a negative Covid19 test result to read that he had returned a positive test result. He then contacted several people claiming he had returned a positive test result. Stuff understands at least one business in the Waikato shut down on Wednesday night, before being told the text was fake.

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