Stuff Digital Edition

Whodetermines value?

Media Council

Having just had an unsatisfactory conversation with Quotable Value about ‘‘valuing’’ Wellington property for rate-setting purposes, I urge residents to take up this issue with council candidates.

According to the QV representative, ‘‘value’’ is based on sales in September 2021 and ignores the subsequent drop in housing prices. We are locked into ‘‘values’’ for three years based on this flawed methodology. Nor is any recognition given to the actual risks of building on steep slopes given the dangers of slips that are visible all over Wellington and for whichwe ratepayers pay the costs of repair.

Having recently experienced property damage caused by a burst water pipe gushing down a steep hillside, I hope that future councilmembers will ensure that when the city’s infrastructure is at fault, property owners are fairly compensated, which didn’t happen in this case tomyself or my neighbours.

The city council should change from the policy of using a valuation system that forces people to build on slip-prone land.

We need to elect a council that doesn’t use a valuation method that inflicts excessive rates, increases risks of environmental damage, and fails to compensatewhen the inevitable damage occurs. Dolores Janiewski, Highbury

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