Stuff Digital Edition

Beliefs of concern

Keren Pickering (Dec 3) asks in reference to Christopher Luxon why some are so concerned that his evangelical beliefs may be detrimental to politics.

He adds that a Christian is one who follows Christ, who promotes justice and compassion.

Christianity is not a unity. Despite being given essentially one book to go by, it is comprised of many disparate and mutually exclusive sects and temperaments.

The variety of evangelical who placed Trump in power, for example, is particularly pernicious, representing a deeply unpleasant brand of Christianity that condemns everything said believer is not directly affected by, such as gay rights, abortion, teaching evolution … but the moment you ask them to do something Jesus actually cared about, such as give money to the poor, it’s “We can’t do that! That’s communism!” Love thy otherly religioned, immigrant or coloured neighbour? Forget about it.Such beliefs and others, espoused by some claiming the name ‘evangelical’, may be detrimental indeed.

Thankfully Mr Luxon shows little sign of such toxic, dogmatic conceits but as Jesus supposedly said, (Matt 7:16) “You shall know them by their fruits.’’ Words are cheap, especially from politicians. Their actions are far more informative.

Darren A Saunders, Waltham (abridged)





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