Stuff Digital Edition

Djokovic fiasco needs explanation

Now that the Australian tennis fiasco is over and the former number one seed has taken an exit flight out of the country, it would be nice to see explanations as to how the situation arose and how it was mismanaged by all parties involved – the federal government, the Victorian state government, the Australian tennis authorities and the player concerned.

One can put it however one likes – they were not singing from the same hymnsheet, or, more acutely, an active left hand in the business was appearing to sleight a sleepy right one until the latter woke up somewhat late in the day.

Doubtless there will be a debrief in all camps but the facts and figures will remain. Next time, all will have to march to the beat of a federal drum so as to avoid states of collusion and confusion.

Moreover, supporting protocols need to be put in place publicly for all to see and acknowledge. Perhaps then we will be spared a repeat centre court performance of an event that seemingly went on forever, just like some of the tennis matches of yesteryear.

JD Mahony, Mt Pleasant

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