Stuff Digital Edition

Pay inequity

Well said, Lana Hart (End this lasting pay imbalance, May 23).

Your excellent article deplores the disgracefully poor pay and conditions under which too many health workers continue to struggle year after weary year. It

should be required reading for all current and aspiring politicians of every stripe.

As you observe, this appalling situation stems largely from the entrenched inequity in pay that a female-dominated sector continues to suffer.

This should not still be the norm in a supposedly developed country in 2022.

Prevention is always better than cure. A proper investment in our health sector would benefit the entire nation and cost way less in the long run.

There would be fewer problems needing hospital-level care, less time off work for untreated ailments, fewer preventable deaths and more essential health workers willing to stay and work here.

Jane Duncan, Darfield





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