Stuff Digital Edition

ECan representation

Gary Clover (Letters, August 12), draws a long bow when making an analogy between the rationale for the Declaration of Independence and Nga¯ i Tahu being granted unelected representation on ECan by an act of parliament.

In fact, the author of that Declaration, Thomas Jefferson, was intent on ending harsh and non-democratic rule by the British and create a new self-governing, democratic, and equal society; he was not trying to right perceived injustices relating to the supposed ‘‘tyranny of the majority’’ under an existing parliamentary democracy.

Gary Clover continues to make claims about the historical oppression of Maori, some justified, some questionable.

But nothing will change the fact we live in a democracy with MMP in place, giving everyone an equal opportunity to vote for the representative of their choice, which is as it should be.

That Maori are not using existing democratic processes to best advantage is the issue that needs to be addressed.

Bruce Anderson, St Albans [abridged]





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