Stuff Digital Edition

Water charges

In response to I J McKay (Letters, Sept 27), the Christchurch City Council cannot charge you for an excess water use rate just to pay for the infrastructure repairs and upgrades as it has stated.

Water is ‘free’, a government edict states, so no-one owns the water, no-one will ever own the water, be it from the aquifers, rivers or from the sky.

Just like no-one owns the sun’s rays. The CCC obtains the water we use in our homes from the aquifers.

Yes, it is pumped to your house through the pipes etc, which in time need maintenance and/or replacing.

We already pay for that, look on your rates bill – it is called ‘water connect’. So why are we paying twice?

I live 300 metres from a pumping station, and if the CCC logic is anything to go by then I should be paying lower water connect fees than my friend who lives 2 kilometres away.

Those at the CCC responsible for this illogical cash grab need to understand that you cannot charge for something that does not cost in the first place.

Geoffrey King, Bromley

Letters Opinion




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