Stuff Digital Edition

Cyclist numbers

Out and about with a group the other day the cycleway user numbers were modest – we met 13 in our first half hour of monitoring, 20 in a later half-hour period; moderate but nevertheless busier than the Bruce King experience (Letters, Sept 28). Things were much busier early in the day when I cycled closer to commuter time.

For some years now we have taken a disabled friend out on aweekly tandem bike ride. An important and enjoyable outing for him, and a valuable break for his partner/carer. As the disability has developed our territory has become restricted; no longer the Summit Road for us! Nevertheless we are readily able to cover the full extent of the city and beyond on the flat, and we can only do this in safety because of the great network of cycling infrastructure. One whom we met this week was another disabled person for whom safe movement would only be possible on the designated cycleways.

The success of the cycleway network is to be measured not just in numbers, but also in accessibility.

Joe McCarthy, Mt Pleasant

Letters Opinion




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