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Orwellian episode

What a shocking story about a patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Mother accused of medical abuse, May 29). This is a rare condition, but there are a number of affected families in Canterbury.

The article describes a mother who recognised that New Zealand health authorities either do not understand the implications of this diagnosis or do not care.

She was referred to Oranga Tamariki (OT) by the Christchurch paediatric department!

She then sought expert care for her daughter, and surgery was carried out in Australia and Germany, and which has thankfully led to a great improvement.

OT accused the mother of ‘medical abuse’ because she sought treatment for her daughter overseas.

It recently ‘cleared’ the mother of any wrongdoing. An impertinence, as any wrongdoing was its own.

An Orwellian episode. It should be drawn to the attention of OT, and perhaps referred to the Health and Disability Commissioner’s office for comment.

Mike Beard, Cashmere

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