Stuff Digital Edition

Champion grieved

Tulou. So very sad to hear of the passing of a champion for the people, Her Royal Highness Late Princess Mele SiuSiu’ilikutapu Kalaniuvalu Fotofili, in Auckland on Sunday. She spoke for many at the 2021 Dawn Raids Apology. May we remember and finally address her public call, more so after recent horrific and retraumatising Immigration NZ revelations:

‘‘... I accept the apology. However, love you...[Prime Minister], the va [relational space] could be better and complete should the Government promptly respond to the immigration-related needs of our community...’’ Too much time has passed. May ofa cover all those grieving and all Tongan communities and may our Government finally act.

Josiah Tualamali’i, Ilam

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