Stuff Digital Edition


To my taste, dill is the other essential summer herb after basil. When I need to “take a plate to summer gatherings my go-to recipes are cheesy blinis or cheese and herb mini muffins – both garnished with cream cheese, salmon and a sprig of dill.

ill is easy going, rarely sulks, tastes good at all stages and marries particularly well with light and bree y summer food – especially seafood.

Sow dill seeds directly into garden beds, either in rows or small plugs scattered around the place. The seeds need only the lightest covering of soil to germinate and should be up within a week and pickable a month later.

Although not quite so fleeting as coriander, dill is a short-lived plant, so repeat sowings will be needed for a summer-long supply of fresh leaves for salads, with salmon, chicken and in classic tartare sauce.

Let some plants flower and set seed. Pollinators love the flowers, and the seeds can be saved for cooking and replanting.

Mahi Māra / Gardening




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