Stuff Digital Edition

Official fooled by non-nation

The chief of staff for Paraguay’s Agriculture Ministry has been replaced after he signed a memorandum of understanding with representatives of a fugitive Indian guru’s fictional country, who also appear to have duped several local officials. It’s not the first time self-described representatives of the United States of Kailasa have duped international leaders. Earlier this year, they managed to participate in a United Nations committee meeting in Geneva, and also signed agreements with local leaders in the United States and Canada. Arnaldo Chamorro said he signed the memorandum because the representatives offered to help Paraguay with a variety of issues, including irrigation. On Kailasa’s website, the fictional country is described as the “revival of the ancient enlightened Hindu civilisational nation which is being revived by displaced Hindus from around the world”. It is led by a self-styled guru, Nithyananda, who is wanted in India on several charges, including sexual assault. His whereabouts are unknown.





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